All Cracked Up
This story
makes me think about a message from Jesus. In the last part of Luke 11, we see
Jesus as a dinner guest in a Pharisee’s home. This dinner party quickly became
tense when Jesus called into question the heart of the Pharisees. In verses 39-40,
we see Jesus calling out the hypocrisy of having a clean outside but an
unrighteous heart:
Then the Lord said to him, “Now then, you Pharisees clean the outside of the cup and dish, but
inside you are full of greed and wickedness.
40 You foolish people! Did not the one who made the outside
make the inside also?
Well, that’s
a conversation starter… The comment was brought on because the Pharisee was in
disbelief when Jesus didn’t wash his hands before eating (Luke 11:38). Jesus
took this as an opening to call out the practices of the religious hypocrites.
He goes on in the following verses (Luke 11:43-52) to call out the injustices
that they oversaw, the callousness of their giving, their treatment of the
poor, the heavy load of legalism they placed on their followers, the obstacles
they put between people and God, and even for having blood on their hands from
the murder of God’s prophets. Jesus isn’t a polite and pleasant dinner guest in
this scene. He calls out the Pharisees for the wickedness that testified to the
true nature of their hearts; all the while they loved to dress themselves in
the appearance of righteousness. Needless to say, it doesn’t appear that he
stuck around for dessert.
It can
sometimes be difficult to discern the heart of a person or group of people
until you get past the shell and see what’s inside. The Pharisees in this
passage were being called out for wearing the appearance of godliness but instead
being filled with dark and hardened hearts. So, how does all this resonate with
us? As those who claim to follow God, we are called to live Spirit-led lives
that reflect our love for Christ and willingness to follow him whole heartedly.
If someone were to video us when our guard is down, what would they see? What would
be their judgement of our hearts from the words that flow from our mouths or
messages that we type from our keyboards? Do those words build up or tear down others?
If someone evaluated our time would they see a busy calendar crammed full with
a self-consumed schedule, or days that allow time to connect with, honor, and
serve God in a selfless way? When we see injustice in the world do we act like we care, or do we have enough
compassion to ignite action with a
hope to bring resolution to brokenness? How do we interact with people we
disagree with? Are we humble enough to listen and hear the other person, or
just want to make sure we “win” the disagreement? Are we interested in seeking
and eradicating sin in our own lives, or would we rather point a finger at
someone else who struggles with something we don’t happen to be hampered by?
There are so
many ways in which we can evaluate whether we are people who truly seek to give
Christ control of our hearts or if we are just shells of false advertisement.
The bottom line is that as disciples of Christ, we are called to hand over the
entirety of our lives: body, mind, soul, and strength so that God can transform
us into his likeness. In the Luke passage we discussed above, it is interesting
that Jesus gave one command that could have led to cleansing for the Pharisees.
Catch this in verse 41-
But now as for what is inside you—be generous to the poor, and everything will be clean for you.
Wow! With all of the sin he was about to lay on them, this
seems like a pretty good deal. Be generous to the poor, and you’ll be clean.
That’s it. Despite all the terrible things you guys have done, we’ll call it
even. When Jesus threw that offer out, there were a couple of things that could
have happened-
- The Pharisees could be convicted of wrong doing, have a change of heart, and humbly seek to give to the poor. This response would show a conviction of the heart that meant a change at their core.
- They could take a posture of pride and rear up against Jesus while admitting no wrong, thus proving that darkness truly consumed their hearts.
When Jesus pointed out their sin, they weren’t able to humble
themselves and accept his offer of righteousness. Instead, they defended
themselves by opposing him “fiercely” (according to the NIV in verse 53) and
looked for a way to trick him into saying something he could be attacked about.
Here’s the amazing thing about our God: He offers us an opportunity to admit
our sin and be redeemed from it through grace. The thing that qualifies us to
wear the name of Jesus isn’t our ability to be perfect, but our ability to have
a soft heart that accepts His grace. In addition, when we allow that grace to
change our core and we live out a Spirit-filled life, it gives hope to others
who are looking for something that is good, pure, and filled with hope. Let’s
strive to let our gooey mess be transformed by God into something good and
Are you sure there wasn't a baby chicken in there?