Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Caring for our Children by Carolyn Jackson

August, 2016

Dear Church Family,

As parents, grandparents, and others that are caregivers, we have made it a priority to keep our children safe and healthy.  We make sure to teach them right from wrong and how to be alert in traffic.  Medical checkups and dentist appointments are at the top of our lists when caring for our children.  When it comes to our children’s eternal lives, are we as diligent with their care?

The remodeling of the Children’s Wing is almost at an end.  The Bible classrooms are in use as well as the Kid’s Praise Worship Center.  Our teachers are educated Christian servants with a passion for teaching God’s Word to this generation of children.  The teachers are using many different learning styles and activities to help teach the children of God’s love for His people.

We ask your help by bringing your family to Bible class and worship.  The Children’s Wing has Bible classes for ages 3 years through 5th grade.  The Kid’s Praise Worship Center is for ages 3 years through 3rd grade.  Bible classes begin at 9:30am and Kid’s Praise runs from 10:30am until approximately noon.

Kid’s Praise begins with songs of praise and thanksgiving.  The teaching staff is served communion, and the children are given the opportunity to give to the Lord’s Church.

Please join us in prayer for our families.

Carolyn Jackson

“Write these things for the future so that people who are not yet born will praise the Lord.”  Psalm 102:18

NOTE from the Elders:

The elders have asked Carolyn Jackson to serve as the interim lead for the Children’s Bible Class and Kid’s Praise programs until we find a permanent program director.  She has graciously agreed to shoulder the responsibility.  She has our full support and encouragement as she takes on this important task.  Please be supportive of her efforts.  We agree with her sentiments in the letter above.  There is no greater responsibility that we have as parents than the spiritual training of our children.  We urge you to take advantage of these programs.  Better yet, jump in and lend a hand.

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