Can You Hear Me Now?
Dale Robinson
Your approach matters. *
Remember when, as a child, you wanted something? Over time you learned by trial and error which parent to ask, when to ask, how to ask, and how much
to ask for.
As an adult, isn’t it much the same? Whether you are talking
to your child, your spouse, your boss or your neighbor, you still have to
consider how best to approach them with a delicate subject. Being right isn’t
enough. The approach often makes all the
difference. Choose the wrong approach, and you create unnecessary resistance.
Choose the right approach, and your audience will be more receptive to the
approach is as important as the message itself.”
This point was hammered repeatedly last week during a one-day preaching
conference I attended in Nashville. The
“Preach Better Sermons” conference was focused on helping ministers better
connect with and engage our audiences.
Of course, content
matters. God working through the message of the gospel is the power that
transforms lives (Romans 1:16-17). But as his representatives, we have an
obligation to consider also our approach to those we are trying to reach for
Notice the interplay between Paul’s goal of reaching as many
people as possible (“win”), with his willingness to adjust his approach
For though I am free with respect to
all, I have made myself a slave to all, so that I might win more
of them. To the Jews I became as
a Jew, in order to win Jews. To those under the law I became as
one under the law (though I myself am not under the law) so that I might win
those under the law. To those outside
the law I became as one outside the law (though I am not free from God's
law but am under Christ's law) so that I might win those outside the
law. To the weak I became weak, so that I might win the weak. I
have become all things to all people, that I might by all means save
some. (1 Corinthians 9:19-22, emphasis mine)
We were challenged at the conference with a number of tough
your current approach support your goal of preaching, or work against it?”
you be willing to change, or even abandon, your approach in order to win all
is helping you become a better preacher?”
Yikes! That’s a lot to think about. But I have come to realize that the message I
heard last week isn’t as much about preaching as it is about living. After all, we’re all ministers, aren’t we? So,
even as I wrestle with the implications of the conference as a public speaker,
allow me to reframe the questions for your consideration:
your current approach support your goal of living (for Christ), or work against
you be willing to change, or even abandon, your approach, in order to win all
is the person helping you become a better minister?”
You see, approach really does matter. That’s why Christians must
be concerned with living in such a way that “no
one will malign the word of God,” but “so
that in every way they will make the teaching about God our Savior attractive.”
(Titus 2:5, 10)
What’s stopping you from making the necessary adjustments to
capture the attention of those around you? There’s only one answer. It’s the
third word in the question:
*Andy Stanley shared this principle (and illustration) at
the conference, taken from his latest book, Deep
& Wide: Creating Churches Unchurched People Love to Attend.
Wow, this hits home. I've got a plan for tonight in trying to get my point across to someone who I just don't think is listening. But I need to explain it in way they can understand, in their terms. Maybe that will work better!