I’m Just Like You and You’re
Just Like Me
By John Wright
When Cornelius met Peter in Acts
chapter ten, Cornelius fell at Peters feet in reverence. Peter said to him “get
up and stand on your feet for I am only a man. Not one of us is better than the
other, and this lesson is clearly demonstrated in God’s word. How can someone
read the bible and not see themselves? We are all children of the first family
of Adam and Eve. After the flood it reset and we are all decedents of Noah’s
sons Shem, Ham, and Japheth. The story of the human family is very
inconsistent. We each have the capacity to dream great dreams, but we always
fall short. We all have something wrong with us and the bible is the only place
that tells us what it is. It’s sin!
The depravity of sin is so
terrible that it causes the whole world to fall under a curse. The curse is
that if we are found to be in sin then we cannot be friends of God. 20 For the creation was subjected to
frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected
it, in hope21 that[h] the creation itself will be
liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory
of the children of God.
22 We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of
childbirth right up to the present time. 23 Not
only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the
Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to
sonship, the redemption of our bodies. 24 For in this
hope we were saved Rom. 8:20-24
Peter told
Cornelius in Act 10 that God sent a message of good news to the people of Israel
that through Jesus there would be peace. 43 All the
prophets testify about him that everyone who believes in him
receives forgiveness of sins through his name.” Then Peter said, 47 “Surely
no one can stand in the way of their being baptized with water.
I’m just like you and you’re
just like me because God loves you and he loves me. The question is this, have
you and God become friends? If you have not been reconciled by the blood of
Jesus, you are still an enemy of God and a friend of the devil.
The bible
says if you are in Christ you are a new creation Romans 5:18-1918 Consequently,
just as one trespass resulted in condemnation for all people,so also one
righteous act resulted in justification and life for all
people. 19 For just as through the disobedience of
the one man the many were made sinners,so also through the
obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous.
I’m just like
you and you’re just like me in that God’s grace and mercy has been offered to
us all. Like Peter we too are to be witnesses of Christ and willing and ready
to tell others about what the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross has done for us
and in us.
We all have so much in common,
but if you are not in Christ, a believer who has said “I will obey God’s call”
then you are not a child of God.
There is
nothing in this world that matters if you do not have the gift of eternal life
through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. Repent your sins Confess
Jesus as Lord and savior, be baptized and then live the resurrected life.
I’m just like
you and you’re just like me and we are just like Jesus with our sins covered by
the blood of his sacrifice.
28 ‘Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you
rest.29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in
heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my
yoke is easy and my burden is light.’ Matthew 11:28-29
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