Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Do You Feel Like an Alien? by Frank Black


(F. Black – April 2015)


       I know that today the word ‘alien’ has a bad connotation, but it’s a good word.  The first definition is ‘foreign’.  I remember one of the times when Lou Ann and I arrived in Lagos, Nigeria, and had to check in at the sign saying “Aliens”.  It seemed a bit strange, but I knew what it meant.  Those who weren’t Nigerian citizens (foreigners) should go to that line – this meant us.


       In the USA today do you feel like an alien.  What do I mean?  I mean that as Christians in today’s world we are all too often made to feel that we are the minority, that we are the “bad guys” (the ones who are bigots and intolerant); that we don’t live in a nation based on Christian principles.  How is it that our nation has come to this?  Christianity’s influence has eroded slowly over the past fifty years, and this process is rapidly escalating.  In our “it’s all about me society” there is often a resentment because we have a Biblical standard that defines our morality and clearly states what is a sin – a standard we want for all people. The ones who want to engage in certain activities say, “Who are you Christians to tell me what I can or can’t do?” Just look at our own Indiana and the defamation and battle over RFRA (Religious Freedom Restoration Act). [I appreciate Greg having our class discuss this in our class last week]. 


Are Christians really in the minority?  No!  A recent Gallup poll showed that around 75% of Americans considered themselves Christians.  So what’s wrong with this picture?? How is it that the extreme minority sways our country? This is especially true regarding the homosexual community which comprises less than 5% of the population. Part of the answer is that our moral resolve and leadership have declined. Legislation is routinely passed that is in direct contradiction to Christianity – activities we consider sin.  And I quickly add that when these matters are brought to a general vote, they are overwhelmingly disapproved (same sex “marriage” being the best example). Even California (a very liberal state) voted against this on two occasions.  So, why have so many states approved same sex “marriage”?  Answers: Our legislative and judicial governmental branches are not listening to the majority; the lack of a strong Christian leadership (look at Martin Luther King and the civil rights battle); general erosion of our collective Christian resolve and response; result of the ridiculous “PC” (Politically Correct) stance our country has succumbed to; and more.  


       We know that the New Testament clearly separates the Christian position from that of the “world”. I really like the way the Phillips version renders Romans 12:2 –-> “Don’t let the world around you squeeze you into its own mould…….”  We as Christians are to live in the world but not be part of the world.  Yes, we Christians are different from the ‘world’ – yes, we have Biblical standards – yes, we want our community, our state, our nation, our world to know and follow Jesus the Christ.   Do we just stand by, wring our hands, and do nothing? It would be irresponsible for us to totally detach ourselves from our culture (go off to the ‘mountain top’ or ‘go underground’ as it were). If we did, then we would certainly lose our influence.  Like so many tragic places in our world today, we USA Christians are not under threat of imprisonment, torture, or death. So, let’s come ‘out of the closet’ and boldly not just defend our position but go on the offensive -be more aggressive; speak up boldly; support Christian people and groups; persist and persist some more (the minority groups have resolve and are unrelentingly persistent – with the daily assault through the media).  We MUST do the same!


       I reflect others as I also sound the Clarion Call. Some ‘battles’ have been lost; but as Christian history shows us, Christianity will win the war!           

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