Fifty Years of Serving
the Lord
John Wright
April 12, 2014 will mark fifty years since the first
worship service occurred here at 6500 Southeastern
Avenue. The day is about eleven months
away and there will be some discussion soon on what we should do then to
celebrate the day. However, the purpose
of this article is to look back and remember some of the people and memories
that are part of the legacy of this Church.
As a people, who are we? And what are we all about? To borrow a phrase from one of my favorite
songs, a good summary might be: "It's what the Lord has done in me"
and you. We are all standing on the shoulders
of many great men and women who have gone on before us. There are a handful of us that are still
around that could remember that first service.
Okay, I'm going to name a few but this list is not complete. Ralph and Alice Brown, Donna Hall, Jackie
Watts, Dave and Doris Law, Jenny Basham, Roger Caruthers, Judy Oakley, Diane
Cox, Laura Giroud, Helen Strykowski, and I apologize for missing a few names.
Some early memories are of my mother,
and it was her that made sure we all went to Church every Sunday. We were riding with the Gaines since we had
no car, our ride after that was with Margaret Sterns, then Marilyn, and then
later we rode the Church bus. I remember
Sunday School and a teacher who I was fascinated with because she had a finger
missing. It was Donna Caruthers. I remember sister Riddle. I did not know she had Parkinson's; I thought
her head shaking up and down meant she was agreeing with the preaching, and the
side to side shaking meant he wasn't preaching it very well. The preacher then was Bill Flatt, and my
opinion of him was whatever sister Riddle indicated to me by her head shaking.
In those days we were a people of
character who were known for doing good deeds in the name of Jesus. I remember on several occasions Claude and
Becky Cates and Walt and Alberta Troyan helping our family in some very
touching ways. My Father was eventually
led to the Lord and delivered from alcoholism through many acts of kindness
done in love.
Jesus said, "A new command I
give you: Love one another. As I have
loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my
disciples, if you love one another.” Ordinary people who love their families and
living a simple, ordinary life may not sound like the way to achieve greatness.
But I say it has been the people here at
Southeastern being themselves and doing small works of service that has had the
most profound effect on me. I may not be
able to do great things, but maybe some small thing I do in the name of the
Lord may affect another to want to live a life of doing good. And wouldn't that be great!
Since I was a young child I have had one constant home, which is this church of people who I've seen come and go over the years. We have been blessed with the relationships we have developed over the years and know there is more to come.