The following is the "Welcome & Shepherd's Prayer" message that I presented to the church on January 6, 2013.
1. Good
morning everyone! It is great to be
together on this fine morning to worship our Lord.
2. Please fill out an attendance card. If you are visiting with us, we welcome you
wholeheartedly, and there is a special card for you in the slots on the pews or
chairs in front of you. Also, if you are
here for the first time, please stop by the Welcome Center for more information
and a tasty gift.
3. Brothers and sisters, I have some special
thoughts to share with you this morning as we begin our worship. It has been so encouraging and inspiring to
witness the young people who have been baptized of late. Three out of the last four weeks, we have
been able to enjoy the reunion of young souls with their creator. Isn’t that a marvelous thing? Isn’t it both inspiring and encouraging to
us? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could
witness those reunions every week?
Perhaps even every day? It can be
done, you know. I have been in churches
where that has happened. But, for us to
do it, it will take some intentional changes on each of our parts. We will have to do some things differently,
and we will each have to make some personal decisions to change. I want to share now about one of those steps
or changes that we can make…a change we could even make this morning…that will
put us on that road.
4. A few weeks ago, Ray Carter shared with me
that his girlfriend, Melissa had been brought to tears by Craig Hill and
I. It was in a good way. She was inspired. The thing was, all Craig and I had done was
to briefly look at one another, smile, and sing to one another during our
worship time. She was sitting way up top
and we were way down there, but she saw it and it inspired her. YOU SEE, THE WAY WE SING CAN HAVE AN IMPACT
ON THOSE AROUND US! You can make a difference
in someone else’s life by how you give your heart to your praise!
5. Last year, my daughter brought me a book
home from Harding University called Pilgrim Heart by Darryl Tippens. There is a passage in the chapter on singing
that I want to share. Chapter 12, Singing: The Way to Heaven’s Door.
In her highly
original autobiography, Traveling
Mercies, Anne Lamott tells the story of how she came to faith. In a period of despair, when she spent long,
lonely days in a fog of alcohol, speed, and cocaine, spiraling towards destruction,
something utterly unexpected occurred.
During this dark time she visited a flea market in Marin City,
California; and there she passed by a small, sad, ramshackle church from which
she heard the most remarkable music. She
called it “glorious noise.” At the time, Lamott was hostile to
Christianity. She could not bear to hear
a sermon, but the music drew her in, and she returned for more in the following
weeks. The singing, she said,
was furry and resonant, coming from
everyone’s very heart. There was no
sense of performance or judgment, only that the music was breath and food. Something inside me that was stiff and
rotting would feel soft and tender.
Somehow the singing wore down all the boundaries and distinctions that
kept me so isolated. Sitting there,
standing with them to sing, sometimes so shaky and sick that I felt like I
might tip over, I felt bigger than myself, like I was being taken care of,
tricked into coming back to life.
One Sunday in April, 1984, Lamott attended the church again. She stayed for the sermon that day, which she
found unimpressive, but the music was mesmerizing:
The last song was so deep and raw
and pure that I could not escape. It was
as if the people were singing in between the notes, weeping and joyful at the
same time, and I felt like their voices or something was rocking me in its
bosom, holding me like a scared kid, and I opened up to that feeling—and it
washed over me.
According to Lamott, “it was the
music that pulled me in and split me wide open.” That day she decided she would become a
Primary passage taken from: Pilgrim Heart—The Way of Jesus in Everyday
Life by Darryl Tippens. Leafwood
Publishers. Copyright 2006
Anne Lamott passages used by Pilgrim Heart taken
from: Traveling Mercies: Some Thoughts
on Faith by Anne Lamott. (New York:
Pantheon, 1999)
see, by singing from the INSIDE out, we can touch people’s hearts. We can help them be inspired to make changes
that otherwise they would ignore. The
heartfelt joining of our voices in praise to God can break through the hardened
casings of a troubled person’s soul.
6. I have some challenges for you to
consider. When was the last time YOUR
singing was of such heart-level intensity that it could make a difference in
someone’s life?
a. Young people—Teens—Young Adults: Lead us with your enthusiasm! Sing out!
Sing strong!
b. Older folks—Folks who have been here 30, 40,
50 years or more—You are our anchors in the faith. Show us how a lifetime of faithful service
can overflow into a joyful heart of praise!
c. Those of you in between—Throw off the
inhibitions, those fears that are keeping your mouth quiet! Throw off the distractions! Throw off the lukewarm blanket of comfortable
religion! And give your heart to God in
song! If nothing else, make a joyful
A Congregational Prayer—Adapted from
Psalm 51
Please consider and pray along
with these words. At the end, I will say
“and the church said.” If at that point
you are moved to commit to the sentiments of this prayer, then I want you to
say a resounding “AMEN” out loud, together, as a congregation.
Have mercy on us, oh
God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion, blot
out our transgressions. Wash away all
our failings and cleanse us from our sin.
For we know our
transgressions, and our sins are always in front of us. Against you we have sinned and done evil in
your sight; so you would be right and justified in a calling us guilty.
It seems like we have
been sinful all of our lives, from the time we were very little, but still you
have desired our faithfulness from our earliest days. You have taught us spiritual wisdom from our
Cleanse us and we
will be clean; wash us and we will be whiter than snow.
Father, let us hear
joy and gladness; let our crushed hopes be turned to joyful expectations.
Hide your face from
our sins, and blot out our failures.
Create in us a pure
heart, oh God, and renew a steadfast spirit within us. Do not give up on us, but infuse your Spirit
within us.
Restore to us the joy
of your salvation! Grant us a willing
spirit to keep us going!
Then, we will teach
the world of your ways, so that sinners…your prodigal children…will turn back
to you.
Do not let us be
responsible for anyone’s spiritual death, oh God, dear God our Savior, but let
our tongues sing of your righteousness.
Open our lips, Lord,
and our mouths will declare your praise!
You do not delight in mere money, or we would be satisfied with weekly
giving. You do not take pleasure in our
outward, physical gifts. But our true
gift to you is our broken pride, Lord.
It is our broken and humble heart, dear God, that you truly love.
May it please you to
prosper Southeastern, to build up the spiritual walls of this congregation.
Then, you will
delight in our true sacrifices, our acts of spiritual righteousness, in our
offerings given from the heart, and ultimately the souls that we will present
at your altar.
In Jesus name,
And the church
said: AMEN!
And now, let us SING! Let us sing to make a difference!
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