We’re “Children” of Some King
Recently, I’ve been reading a book about England’s King Henry VIII and
life during his reign. “Everyone knows” that
Henry VIII was just a lecherous, bloated, self-indulgent, over-aged frat
boy. But that’s more caricature than
fact. The truth is that he was a far
more complex person.
For instance, he was,
particularly early in his life, a very devout person. He practiced his faith as he understood it
with great regularity and apparent deep conviction. At the beginning of what came to be the
Protestant Reformation, one of the best-selling books in all of Europe intended
to refute Luther’s arguments and defend the Catholic Church was a tightly
argued little work written by (get ready for it…) Henry VIII. And, we’re not talking about something
ghost-written; all indications are that Henry himself did the research and
writing. And it wasn’t a “best seller”
because he bought up a lot of copies himself. It was legitimate. It was such a popular work that Luther himself
felt compelled to respond publicly to Henry’s arguments. The Pope of the day granted Henry the
honorific title, “Defender of the Faith,” in appreciation for Henry’s efforts
to defend his (the Pope’s) authority.
And yet…
Only a very few years
later, when Henry needed an “out” from his marriage to his first wife so that
he could marry the object of his affections, Anne Boleyn, Henry ended up
turning against “the Church of Rome,” saying the Pope did not in fact have
authority over him. Henry ultimately had
Parliament declare him the head of the “Church of England.”
It’s easy to see the problem in someone else: Henry’s faith “shapes” his life in many
ways…but then he can turn on a dime when the moral demands of his faith stand
in the way of what he wants.
What he did in that
“moment” revealed that his real commitment, when it came down to it, was to
himself. In other words, the ultimate authority
in his life was himself.
I’m not trying to argue that Henry was right to defend late medieval Catholicism
or that he was right in the direction he took the English church. I’m not trying to argue that his particular
religious practices were Biblical. My
point is that he was “faithful” to what
he believed was right until that came into conflict with what he wanted.
Are we so different?
Or, are there times we are “children of
King Henry VIII,” completely committed to Christ’s ways…until it’s just not
“I’m all for sexual
purity”…until the right opportunity presents itself, that is.
“I’m definitely
against drunkenness”…but life’s so hard right now and I just need to forget
some things for a while. Besides, it’s
just so hard to draw that line between being well buzzed and being drunk…
“I’m all for being
a good steward of my finances, giving liberally to the church, and spending
wisely”…but what’s a little debt when I can get the kids all the things they
want now so that we can enjoy them until the next upgrade? Anyway, God’ll understand that I’m strapped
when the collection tray comes by.
“I’m all for making
sure that my words build up my brothers and sisters”…but sometimes it just
feels good to get in a good jab or two.
“I’m definitely
against gossip and talking badly about my brothers and sisters”…but some things
are just too juicy to keep to myself.
“I’m all for
sharing my faith with people who don’t yet know Jesus and his ways”…just don’t
ask me to do anything about that;
isn’t that why we have ministers?
“I’m definitely
against pornography”…but if I know I’m not going to get caught…and “nobody gets
hurt,” right?
“I’m all for
regularly meeting with fellow Christ-followers to worship or study together and
encourage each other”…just don’t go over an hour on Sunday and do not even try
to “guilt” me into a class or small group, for pity’s sake!
“I’m definitely
against gluttony, especially in a world of indulgence for some and utter
poverty for others”…but have you tried that new Chinese buffet place?
“I’m all for being
a unified church, serving under the leadership God has called forth in our
church”…just not this group of leaders. Oh, and not until they start doing everything just
the way I like it.
Maybe those scenarios are caricatures in their own way. Maybe none of them comes close to the reality
of your life or mine. But here’s the
point: We’re the “children” of some
Our moral choices
will show we’re “children” (of a sort) of Henry VIII if we are only faithful to
Christ’s ways as long as they don’t conflict with what we want.
Or, our moral
choices will show we’re “children” of God if we are faithful to his ways even
when they do conflict with what we
Jesus calls us to be
children of God, and he doesn’t mince words when it comes to the meaning of our
No good tree bears bad fruit, nor again does a bad tree bear good
fruit; for each tree is known by its own fruit. Figs are not gathered from thorns, nor are
grapes picked from a bramble bush. The
good person out of the good treasure of the heart produces good, and the evil
person out of evil treasure produces evil… (Luke 6.43-45a).
Learn the good. Choose the good. Treasure the good. Keep on choosing the good.
Be a “child” of the
right King.